Low-calorie Breakfast Foods – The principles of Effective Weight Loss Breakfast

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day that no one should skip. Eating breakfast properly is also one of the effective ways to lose weight that many people have successfully applied. So what should be eaten in the morning to both ensure the body’s energy requirements and support effective weight loss? This article will suggest you low -calorie breakfast foods for dieters.

We all know, even if there is a need to lose weight, that does not mean that you should fast completely. Moreover, breakfast is an extremely important meal that plays a role in providing energy for the body to work for the whole day. Therefore, for all of us, breakfast is an extremely necessary meal. For those on a diet, breakfast will have some principles to lose weight as follows:

Some principles of breakfast to lose weight

Some principles of breakfast to lose weight

Build a healthy menu

The first rule when choosing low-calorie breakfast foods is that you must have healthy menu items. Accordingly, your meal needs to ensure at least the following nutrients:

  • Protein: Eat healthy protein dishes from eggs, chicken breast, skim milk, whole grains or nuts.
  • Healthy fats: Prioritize healthy fats from whole milk, coconut oil, avocados, and nuts and use them in moderation.
  • Fiber: Eat foods rich in fiber and natural sugars from fruits, vegetables or whole grains.
  • Carbohydrates: Supplement carbohydrates from healthy foods such as whole grain rice, oats, brown rice, almond flour… because they contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, and help keep you full for a long time.

Don’t eat breakfast too late

One of the principles of effective low-calorie breakfast is to wake up early and not eat breakfast too late. According to advice from health experts, the ideal time to eat breakfast to lose weight is around 7 am. You can wake up at 6 a.m. after a long sleep and eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. This is a very good time because the stomach will work strongly to get energy for the new day. At this time, the body will have to burn more calories and excess fat, helping you to eat breakfast without worrying about gaining weight.

Do not eat foods that are too salty

The general rule of the diet is not to eat foods that are too spicy or too salty. Salty dishes often contain salt, but salt is one of the causes that makes the body easy to retain water and causes rapid weight gain. So for the morning, you should choose dishes that are simple, easy to make, quick and not fussy about spices. However, you should still pay attention to ensure the necessary amount of nutrients for the body.

Low-calorie breakfast foods that are good for weight loss

For those who are on a weight loss diet, breakfast should be a meal that provides between 300 and 400 calories. Here are suggestions for healthy low-calorie breakfast dishes that you can refer to.

Boiled eggs

Boiled eggs are a popular diet dish and are loved by many people because of their convenience and speed. In boiled eggs contain few calories (1 45g egg contains only 63 calories) and carbohydrates help effectively support the weight loss process. In addition, boiled eggs also contain many nutrients that support blood sugar control, improve vision and strengthen bones, hair, and nails.

Low-calorie breakfast dish from boiled eggs

Low-calorie breakfast dish from boiled eggs


Oats are one of the convenient, delicious, nutritious and especially healthy diet foods. As a whole grain, oats contain a rich source of fiber, providing many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for the body. In 100g dry oats contain 380 calories , 17g protein, 66g carbohydrates, 11g fiber, 6g fat…

Oatmeal is a breakfast food suitable for dieters

Oatmeal is a breakfast food suitable for dieters

For breakfast, you can use instant oats or oatmeal for quick processing. Some ways to prepare low-calorie breakfast dishes with simple oats are as follows:

  • 80g instant oats with a box of unsweetened yogurt.
  • Cook oat porridge with fruit: cook 50g of rolled oats with nut milk for about 10-20 minutes to make the porridge soft. For breakfast, eat with a banana or ½ apple.
  • Oats soaked overnight: mix oats and nut milk in a ratio of 1 to 1 and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Enjoy in the morning with some nuts such as almonds, cashews, soybeans…
  • Oatmeal smoothie: breakfast with fruit oat smoothies helps to lose weight effectively. Blending smoothies from oats with some fruits such as bananas, strawberries, blueberries, low-fat milk … will help you easily get a low-calorie breakfast quickly.


Sweet potatoes are also one of the most popular low-calorie breakfast foods . According to Oriental medicine, sweet potatoes are average, sweet, eating will help nourish the body, laxative, bright eyes. Sweet potatoes have low starch content, do not contain fat, which helps prevent the conversion of food into excess fat, limiting fat accumulation in the body. In addition, eating sweet potatoes will give you a feeling of fullness for longer, reducing cravings, suitable for those who are looking to lose weight quickly.

Eat boiled sweet potatoes to fill your stomach for breakfast

Eat boiled sweet potatoes to fill your stomach for breakfast

According to nutrition experts, in the morning you should eat about 1-2 sweet potatoes is the best. You can change many dishes from sweet potatoes as follows:

  • Yogurt pickled sweet potato: Boil 1 sweet potato, then puree it with yogurt and 20g peanuts.
  • 1 boiled sweet potato and a glass of unsweetened soy milk.
  • 1 boiled sweet potato and 1/2 apple.


Yogurt is a familiar dish to many people because of its great benefits on digestion, health as well as beauty. This is also one of the great suggestions in the low-calorie breakfast dishes . Eating yogurt in the morning will stimulate the digestive system, providing energy to start a new day soberly for you. However, you should not eat yogurt without combining with other foods, to limit the influence of organic acids in yogurt on the stomach.

Delicious low-calorie breakfast dish from yogurt

Delicious low-calorie breakfast dish from yogurt

For 100 grams of yogurt contains only 55 calories, so this is an ideal food for weight loss diet menus. Some breakfast recipes with yogurt:

  • A jar of unsweetened yogurt and 50g of almonds helps to lose weight effectively and prevent obesity.
  • 1 jar of unsweetened yogurt, 50g instant oatmeal, mixed with a sliced ​​banana or a few blueberries.
  • 1 jar of yogurt mixed with fruits such as grapes, apples, watermelon, papaya, kiwi…


Despite being a fruit, grapefruit is always a low-calorie breakfast dish, only about 38 calories in 100g and is chosen by many women. The composition of nutrients in grapefruit is quite diverse, including the main content of Vitamin C.

Eating grapefruit in the morning is also an effective way to lose weight

Eating grapefruit in the morning is also an effective way to lose weight

For those who choose to have breakfast with grapefruit, the calorie intake is relatively low, but it does not cause weight gain if you eat it in the morning. In addition, grapefruit is considered a reasonable low-calorie breakfast because it can be processed in many ways, can be made into juice, smoothies or eaten raw.


Berries are one of the nutritious foods, contain a lot of fiber, including soluble fiber, in 100g contains only 51 calories. This makes people feel full, not hungry, but still easily control their health and weight.

Eating Berries for breakfast is also a reasonable option

Eating Berries for breakfast is also a reasonable option

It also has the ability to lower cholesterol in obese people, speed up energy metabolism and prevent fat accumulation if eaten for breakfast.


This is a low-calorie breakfast dish, easy to prepare and suitable for many people’s taste. On average, 100g of broccoli will contain about 35 calories. Compared to the average, this number is relatively low, but in return the high fiber content will help you get a feeling of fullness, lasting throughout the morning without eating too many other nutrients.

Let's add broccoli to the breakfast menu

Let’s add broccoli to the breakfast menu

The processing method is also very diverse, broccoli appears in many breakfast menus with boiled, stir-fried, steamed, or even made into a smoothie to drink.


For those who love a fruit-rich breakfast, kiwi is the right choice for daily use without affecting weight. In kiwi fruit contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C. The calories in this fruit are extremely low, in 100g there are only 58 calories, if eaten in the morning will bring the effect of promoting digestion, reducing appetite clearly. pronounced.

Eating kiwi in the morning does not increase too many calories

Eating kiwi in the morning does not increase too many calories

Regularly eating kiwi will promote intestinal health, reduce bad cholesterol, prevent heart disease, especially promote vision health.


Another nutrient-dense, low-calorie fruit that you should have for breakfast is watermelon. According to many nutrition reports, there are only 33 calories in 100g of watermelon, but it creates a feeling of fullness and is much more pleasant if you eat it for breakfast.

Let's add broccoli to the breakfast menu

Let’s add broccoli to the breakfast menu

The vitamin content in watermelon is quite high, along with fiber and water, it will also be a factor for you to be full quickly, there is no need to eat any more food for breakfast.


Dubbed a superfood for those who want to lose weight, spinach is a reasonable choice if you need a low-calorie breakfast dish. Specifically, in about 100g of spinach contains about 14 calories, this is really an extremely low number, and easy to add to breakfast dishes without too much impact on the weight loss diet.

Spinach is low in calories, so it's good for breakfast

Spinach is low in calories, so it’s good for breakfast

In addition, spinach also contains a lot of vitamins A, C and folate content abundantly, excess or nearly enough nutrients that the body needs in 1 day.


Celery is a food not to be missed in the list of low-calorie dishes. It contains low calories, only 14 calories in 100g, helps to reduce cholesterol in the body. Besides, celery contains many vitamins A, B6, B12, E, C, K and beneficial minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium, etc.

Let's add broccoli to the breakfast menu

Let’s add broccoli to the breakfast menu

This is also a versatile food, easy to prepare into many low-calorie breakfast dishes to use every day. To lose weight with this food, you can make stir-fried celery salad, celery salad or drink smoothies.

Bell pepper

It seems that this is just an additional spice to the dish, but bell pepper is really a low-calorie breakfast dish that you did not expect. In 100g bell pepper contains 31 calories, contains quite a lot of vitamin C, enhances the metabolism of stored fat and converts carbon into fuel for the body to function.

Bell peppers are one of those low-calorie foods that you've been skipping

Bell peppers are one of those low-calorie foods that you’ve been skipping

The way to cook bell peppers for breakfast is also quite diverse, can be combined into a breakfast salad, or fried bell peppers eaten separately as a weight loss vegetable.


If counted in the level of 100g, cucumber is almost unbeatable in terms of low calorie content, when it contains only about 16 calories. In particular, the fat content is also extremely low, while having a lot of fiber and water to create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Eating cucumbers in the morning not only cools the body, creates a feeling of comfort but also beautifies the skin, does not worry about weight gain and does not affect your weight.


With 95% water ingredients, zucchini is a low-calorie and fat-free food that helps you lose weight effectively, so it should be included in the breakfast menu when you need to lose weight. In 100g zucchini contains only 17 calories, but contains more carotenoids and omega 3 fatty acids that support anti-inflammatory, reduce the risk of gout in obese people.

Eating zucchini helps to reduce the number of calories in the morning

Eating zucchini helps to reduce the number of calories in the morning

This is the right choice for you to change to a healthier diet, easy to lose weight and improve your physique quickly.

Black beans

Black beans are foods that contain a lot of fiber that is good for the digestive system and makes the body full for a long time. In 100g of black beans contains about 343 calories and many minerals such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, … provide enough energy for the body. You should cook black bean porridge for a low-calorie breakfast dish.

Let's add broccoli to the breakfast menu

Let’s add broccoli to the breakfast menu

Chicken breast

100g of chicken breast contains only about 164 calories, a lot of protein, so it is good for muscle development. If you are on a diet, make boiled or pan-fried chicken breast with green vegetables for breakfast.

Chicken breast is delicious but doesn't contain too many calories

Chicken breast is delicious but doesn’t contain too many calories

Peanut butter

Peanut butter contains insoluble good fats that are good for health. This dish does not increase cholesterol in the blood, so it is extremely safe for the heart. In 100g of butter contains up to 588.4 calories, but each time you use it, you only use a very small amount of butter to spread on food, so there is no need to worry about weight. You can have peanut butter with 2 slices of rye bread for an energizing breakfast.

Peanut butter contains good insoluble fat, so it is good for health

Peanut butter contains good insoluble fat, so it is good for health

Almond Butter

100g of almond butter contains 613.8 calories but each time you only use a little spread on food so there is no need to worry about weight gain. At the same time, this food is rich in fiber, antioxidants and good protein for the body. If you are on a diet, the cereal bread with almond butter is an option not to be missed.

Almond butter has the same effect as peanut butter

Almond butter has the same effect as peanut butter


Salmon contains large amounts of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. 100g of salmon contains 117 calories and about 17g of protein that is good for muscle development. Pan-fried salmon is both nutritious, or you can make a salmon salad to ensure energy for the whole day.

Chicken breast is delicious but doesn't contain too many calories

Chicken breast is delicious but doesn’t contain too many calories

Smoked pork

Bacon is a delicious and attractive dish, 100g of meat contains only 140 calories so you can use it for breakfast. High protein content supports muscle building to help the body toned and beautiful. You should use a few slices of bacon with rye bread for a nutritious breakfast.

Bacon is a delicious and attractive dish, so you can use it for breakfast

Bacon is a delicious and attractive dish, so you can use it for breakfast

Milk protein powder

If you are a regular exerciser, you should use protein powder for breakfast. 21g of this powder contains only 150 calories , can make a glass of milk about 400-500ml of milk. Besides supporting muscle gain, this milk also makes the skin firmer, ruddy and smooth. If you are too busy to have time to prepare breakfast, make a glass of protein milk powder.

1 glass of protein powder milk every morning to lose weight more effectively

1 glass of protein powder milk every morning to lose weight more effectively


Apples are a low-calorie breakfast item that appears in many diets. In 100g of apple contains only about 52 calories , so you do not need to worry about weight. You should prepare a fiber-rich apple salad for the digestive system every morning.

Eating apples in the morning is good for health

Eating apples in the morning is good for health


100g of banana contains only 88.7 calories , so it is one of the low-calorie breakfast foods for dieters. In addition, the food is also rich in high fiber to help you limit constipation and intestinal-related diseases.

One of the low-calorie breakfast foods is fresh bananas

One of the low-calorie breakfast foods is fresh bananas

Fresh avocado

Fresh avocado has a fragrant, greasy taste that makes the dish more attractive. 100g avocado contains 160 calories, avocado salad for breakfast is both high in energy and does not increase weight, so it is very suitable for people on a diet. However, you should not use too much butter to avoid being fed up.

Eating apples in the morning is good for health

Eating apples in the morning is good for health

Brown rice

Research shows that, 100g of brown rice contains only 110.9 calories , so it will not make you gain weight. In addition, the amount of fiber in brown rice is higher than many foods, so it is good for the digestive system. Brown rice porridge is a great choice if you are following a diet to get in shape.

Eating apples in the morning is good for health

Eating apples in the morning is good for health

Black bread

Black bread is made from 100% barley, so the cake has a brown color, a sweet taste that is easy to eat. The amount of fiber is 4 times that of white bread, so it is easy to digest, without bloating. In 100g of 260 calories, you only need to eat 2 thin slices of bread to be full for a long time, so it is a great choice for breakfast.

Black bread is made from 100% barley, so it has a brown color

Black bread is made from 100% barley, so it has a brown color

Flaxseed bread

100g will contain 210 calories , you only need to eat 1 or 2 thin slices to be full and no longer want to eat. Flaxseed bread is made from whole grain flour and mixed with flaxseed.

The crust is reddish brown, the inside is soft and has an attractive aroma. This dish contains important minerals like selenium, potassium and manganese. With just 2 slices of toasted flaxseed bread with butter, you will have a perfect breakfast.

Flaxseed bread has a very attractive aroma

Flaxseed bread has a very attractive aroma

Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread is made entirely from wheat and includes the germ, bran and endosperm. The outer skin is dark brown, the taste is rich, the bite feels crispy. This is a dish that provides many levels of fiber, vitamins and minerals needed by the body. In 100g of whole wheat bread contains only 260 calories , so it does not make the body gain weight if used for breakfast.

Whole-wheat bread is dark brown, soft inside, so it's easy to eat

Whole-wheat bread is dark brown, soft inside, so it’s easy to eat

Grain bread

Whole grain bread has a dark brown color, soft inside, so it is easy to eat. 100g cake contains 247 calories , B vitamins, copper, magnesium, iron, folic acid, etc. to help the body have enough weight for a long day of activities. This is a low-calorie breakfast dish you should not miss.

Low-calorie cereal bread

Low-calorie cereal bread

Oat bread

Oatmeal bread is a combination of oatmeal, whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, and warm water. The cake is spongy, soft, not dry, eating and drinking milk will be very delicious. In addition, 100g of oat bread contains 220 calories and is high in fiber and healthy nutrients.

Oatmeal bread is high in fiber

Oatmeal bread is high in fiber

Ezekiel bread

Ezekiel bread is made with whole grain sprouts, millet and beans. This low-calorie breakfast dish is packed with vitamins and healthy nutrients. Ezekiel bread contains very little gluten, so it is good for people who are allergic to this substance. 100g cake contains only 270 calories , so it is suitable for people who are losing weight.

The dish is extremely suitable for weight loss in the morning

The dish is extremely suitable for weight loss in the morning

Hopefully with the above information that we  have shared, you can easily build yourself the most effective low-calorie breakfast menu . Always remember that breakfast is an extremely important meal whether you are in the process of losing weight or not. Besides diet, you should also remember to drink enough water and combine it with regular exercise to always have a slim and healthy body.

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